
Monday, March 27, 2006

The Time Traveller's Wife

One of those gems that comes to you by unexpected means and never leaves your side. Upon finishing this wonderful novel I wrapped it up and gave it to my brother with the note, "No, it's not just for girls..." - a perhaps unnecessary embellishment, but a true one nevertheless. It revolves around the conceit that a condition of chrono disease exists which makes those unfortunate enough to suffer by it susceptible to sudden displacements to times past and future, arriving as naked as The Terminator but more nauseous. Henry, the protagonist is one such time traveller, who meets his future wife on one such "trip", aged six, and returns to her in (for him) non sequential bouts as she grows up. When he then meets her in real time she is familiar with him but for Henry it is the first time they meet. Sounds complicated and it is - each chapter beginning with titles such as Henry aged 32, Clare aged 12, etc. But the exceptional writing of first time novelist Audrey Niffenegger never deliberately misleads us, always making the most of this boundless potential, whilst maintaining the simplicity and truth of the ultimate love story underneath it all. The main characters are so beautifully attractive in their qualities and their faults that the ridiculous nature of many situations is easily forgiven as we yearn to explore the humanity of these people and those who come into contact with their strange reality. Mature, resonant and very touching, it affected me so much that upon finishing it I got out of bed and started writing myself... for about five hours! Some books you can't wait to finish and move on, some books you can't wait to start again. I think I'll wait a wee while, but it definitely falls into the latter group. Uplifting and heart-breaking in equal measures, a book that anyone who believes that "Time is Nothing" should read. 9.5/10 Kx


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