
Monday, November 15, 2004

Hello, Hello

Not that I could give a monkey's about the singles charts these days, but hats off to the ubiquitous U2 for reaching #1 with Vertigo - It was all very predictable, as they have absolutely blitzed the media with this song in the last 3 weeks (from playing in the rain outside the Beeb to the iPod ad) and proved that marketing tactics such as holding off the release date until everyone in the world has heard it do actually work. I didn't get the popularity of their last album at all, but their tunes seep into your thoughts against your better judgement and it becomes impossible to deny that they are a pop phenomena above and beyond. Being nominated as founding members of the UK Music Hall Of Fame (channel 4) alongside The Beatles, Elvis, Madonna and Bob Marley says it all. Kx


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